Top Vegan Calcium Sources to Add to Your Diet

plant-milk calcium

As a vegan, you are always on the lookout for alternative sources of essential nutrients that are usually found in animal-based foods. Calcium is one of the vital minerals that vegans need to pay extra attention to, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.

But don’t worry, there are plenty of plant-based options that are rich in calcium and can be easily incorporated into your diet. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the top vegan calcium sources that are delicious, accessible, and will leave your bones feeling strong and healthy.

20 Top Vegan Calcium Sources and Their Nutritional Values

As a vegan, it is important to make sure that you are getting all the essential nutrients your body needs. Calcium is an important mineral that plays a crucial role in building and maintaining strong bones. While dairy products are the most commonly known source of calcium, there are many plant-based options that provide this important mineral. In this chart, we have listed 20 of the top vegan calcium sources and their nutritional values, so you can make informed choices and ensure that your diet is meeting your needs.

Food SourceCalcium (mg) per 100g
Fortified plant milk (soy, almond, oat, etc.)120-130
Fortified tofu350-800
Fortified orange juice200-300
Collard greens200-350
Fortified cereals100-1,000
Bok choy150-220
Chia seeds179
Brazil nuts65
Sesame seeds961
Tahini (sesame seed paste)130
Fortified plant yogurt120-130
Dried figs52
Navy beans65
Sunflower seeds49
Turnip greens197
Mustard greens128
Fortified plant-based protein powders50-100
Note: The amount of calcium present in each food source may vary depending on the brand and preparation method. Always check the label for accurate information.

Calcium Sources

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as kale, bok choy, and spinach are excellent sources of calcium. Not only are they packed with calcium, but they also provide a wealth of other nutrients, including vitamins A and C, iron, and fiber. One cup of kale contains about 100 milligrams of calcium, which is about 10% of the daily recommended intake.

Fortified Plant

Milk Many plant-based milk alternatives, such as soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk, are fortified with calcium. Just make sure to check the label, as the amount of calcium can vary between brands. A single cup of fortified plant milk can provide up to 450 milligrams of calcium, which is a significant amount.


Tofu is another excellent source of calcium for vegans. It’s made from soybeans, which are naturally rich in calcium, and can be a great addition to smoothies, stir-fries, and soups. One cup of tofu contains about 350 milligrams of calcium, making it a great alternative to dairy-based products.

Fortified Orange Juice

Orange juice is a tasty and convenient source of calcium for vegans. Many brands fortify their orange juice with calcium, so just check the label to make sure. One cup of fortified orange juice contains about 300 milligrams of calcium, making it a great addition to your breakfast routine.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are tiny powerhouses of nutrition and are a great source of calcium for vegans. Just two tablespoons of chia seeds contain about 180 milligrams of calcium, which is about 18% of the daily recommended intake. They’re also high in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, making them a great addition to smoothies, yogurt, and oatmeal.


In conclusion, there are plenty of vegan calcium sources available, from leafy greens and plant milk to tofu and fortified orange juice. With a little creativity and planning, you can easily incorporate these foods into your diet and maintain strong bones for life. So go ahead, give your bones the calcium they need, and enjoy all the delicious plant-based options available.

Sources: For Top Vegan Calcium Sources

  1. Healthline –
  2. Vegan Health –
  3. The Vegan Society –
  4. –
  5. Medical News Today –

These sites provide comprehensive and scientifically backed information on vegan plant-based calcium sources and their nutritional values.

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